About Mankey Monkey
Remember the "Superlambananas"? Well, our cheeky friend from the jungle, Mr. Mankey Monkey, remembers them too. He LOVES bananas (especially Lambananas!) so much, he's been inspired to bring his own city-wide display of family fun to Liverpool!

His huge family of colourful, zany, cheeky children, the MANKEY MONKEYS, have boarded their fleet of banana boats, and are headed to Liverpool to show us how its done "Monkey-Style" with their awesome display of hilarious and cheeky Mankey Monkey Madness! All in support of Alder Hey Imagine Appeal.

They'll be on show across the whole city from February to April 2010, when they'll be auctioned off to raise money for Alder Hey Imagine Appeal! A guidemap will be available, showing where you can find each Monkey.

You can also watch our Monkey Business down at Mankey Monkey HQ on Hanover Street, Liverpool One!

Like free stuff? There'll be awesome giveaways, competitions, offers and surprises from our amazing Monkey "fosterers", so check back soon for details of how YOU can get free stuff!

This is going to be more FUN than a BARREL OF MONKEYS, and that fun starts HERE! So don't miss out - sign up now for the latest Mankey Monkey cheeky news and events! You can also join in the fun on our Facebook fan page and follow us on twitter.

Mankey Monkey is a HUGE, city-wide, charity art project headed by the creative magicians at Hallangen Art, along with web marketing genii It's About Websites and friendly media moguls Your Business eZine.

We receive no public funding whatsoever, and everyone involved is giving their time and sevices for free. Financially, we are supported solely by businesses and organisations of Liverpool and Merseyside, who are fostering the Mankey Monkeys while they're on show. You can see our amazing Monkey fosterers here.

The Monkeys will be on display from January through to March, when they will go into a GRAND CHARITY AUCTION to raise money for Alder Hey Imagine Appeal.
Any questions?

We'd love to hear from you! Please contact us with any questions, queries or nice comments.

Mr. Monkey thanks you all for your loyalty and generous support, and looks forward to seeing your monkey impressions over the coming months.

For more details visit: www.mankeymonkey.com

T-shirts printed by: www.wastedheroes.com